
Common Pitfalls to Avoid during a Child Custody Case

Going through a divorce and child custody case is taxing on everyone’s emotions and patience. But you must always remember that in the middle of a child custody battle is your child – who loves both you and your ex equally. And for a child custody attorney in The Woodlands, it is extremely difficult to reach a fair arrangement if your actions compromise your credibility as a parent.

Despite your best intentions, these pitfalls have the potential of hurting your chances to get the custody plan you are wishing for.

1. Disregarding the Child’s Best Interests

Every parent believes that they know what’s best for their child. However, when spouses divorce and will live in separate houses and form new romantic relationships, this belief can get distorted.

Family law courts rely on various experts in child psychology and education to determine the child’s best interests based on:

  • The child’s age
  • Their state of health
  • The child’s emotional ties with the parents
  • The parents’ ability to provide for their child’s needs

Insisting on getting a custody plan that suits your wants and needs will backfire, especially if you are trying to limit your ex’s access to the child.

2. Trying to Turn the Child against the Other Parent

Influencing the child to refuse contact with the other parent is extremely damaging both for your child custody case and for your child’s mental and emotional wellbeing. For you, the ex is someone you cannot live with anymore. For your child, it’s “mommy” or “daddy.”

And the courts do not look gently upon such attempts, especially if your ex’s legal counsel presents evidence of parental alienation. While this is not a criminal offense and will not lead to prosecution, it is a factor which may determine the judge to award your ex primary custody.

3. Sending Angry Text Messages

After they hire a child custody attorney in The Woodlands, the first thing they are asked to do is maintain a civil communication with their ex. No matter how angry and frustrated you may be, you must remember that you are pitted against your ex in court.

And, just as you are looking for any piece of evidence to support your case, they are doing the same. Sending texts where you accuse them of being a bad parent or spouse is effectively placing evidence into their lawyer’s hands.

arguments with your spouse during divorce are damaging for your case

4. Neglecting Documentation

In court, you have to prove every assertion you make. Is your spouse distracted or not involved and often forgets to pick the child up from school? Document that with journal entries and texts to school staff.

Did your spouse stop making contributions towards the child’s college fund? Document that, as well, using account statements. Did your spouse breach a temporary order imposed by the court? Make sure you have evidence of this, too.

No matter how small and insignificant each breach of trust and duty may seem, together they will help your lawyer paint the consistent picture of an uninvolved parent.

5. Failing to Respect Court Order and Agreements

Finally, make sure that you comply with any temporary orders and arrangements until the child custody case is over. Failing to do so will reflect badly on you. Judges do not treat any breach of orders lightly, especially when they involve a child’s wellbeing.

No matter how hard or unfair it may seem to you, doing the right thing will eventually pay off and your lawyer will manage to reach a fair custody arrangement.

Consult with an Experienced Child Custody Attorney in The Woodlands!

Child custody is the most contentious part of any divorce. And some of your actions may compromise your chances of getting the arrangement you wish for. The best approach to this issue is letting a skilled child custody attorney in The Woodlands advise you and negotiate a fair arrangement.

At Bolton Law, you will be represented by some of the most experienced lawyers in Texas family law. Do not let anything to chance in this complex matter – contact us today to schedule an initial appointment at 281-519-2287!

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