
When Can I Stop Paying Child Support in Texas?

If you are someone who pays child support regularly, you are most likely wondering when you are allowed to stop. To learn more about when you can stop child support payments and what expectations to this law may be, continue reading and reach out to our experienced Montgomery County family law attorney.

When can I stop paying child support in Texas?

In most cases, child support ends when a child turns 18 or when they graduate from high school (whichever comes later.) However, there are various exceptions to this law. For example, a child can become legally emancipated before they turn 18. A minor can become emancipated at the age of 16 or 17 if he or she is:

  • Joining the military
  • Petitioning the court to be complimentary from parental control
  • Getting married

Another exception to this law is when an adult child has a physical or mental disability that requires medical care. In this case, the parent can request a continuation of child support for an indefinite period. This is because the disabled child is no longer considered capable of self-care and needs ongoing assistance and supervision. Legally, parents can request to pay support beyond the usual age limit to ensure the disabled child receives the necessary substantial care. The involved parents must present evidence of the child’s condition and need to secure this arrangement. Parents with children with disabilities in Texas often face concerns unlike traditional child support cases.

The court will consider the adult child’s existing and future medical needs, as well as the parent’s financial resources and the amount of care each parent will need to provide. The court will also consider any other programs that may provide financial assistance to care for the child.

Further exceptions of child support ending at the age of 18 include the following circumstances:

  • The child passes away
  • The paying parent suffers a significant medical crisis.

If the child tragically dies before reaching adulthood, the child support order is typically terminated immediately. Similarly, if the paying parent experiences a significant medical crisis, it may impact their ability to fulfill their financial obligations. In such cases, the parent must file a motion with the court to request a modification of the child support order. The judge will consider factors such as the parent’s reduced income due to the medical crisis and any other operations or treatments that may impact their financial situation. These exceptions ensure that the legal system remains fair and responsive to unexpected changes in circumstances, upholding the principles of equity in family law.

Additionally, it important to note that when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, their child support does not automatically come to an end. Instead, the parent must contact the Child Support Division of the Attorney General’s office once they have confirmed that they should stop paying child support by checking the final order. After they have contacted the Child Support Division, either a stop payment will be issued or a letter to stop income withholding can be sent to your employer. Once the child support court order has expired, you no longer owe any money in support.

Navigating child support obligations can get tricky, which is why it is best to refer to experts to help you navigate this process. If you have any other questions or you believe you no longer have to pay child support, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We are here to help parents through the child support process.

Contact Our Montgomery County Firm

If you find yourself wondering, “when does child support end in texas,” it’s time to reach out to learn more about your Texas child support options.

At Bolton Law, we have expert Montgomery County divorce lawyers that are happy to discuss your unique circumstances and answer any questions you may have.

Bolton Law’s legal team handles all family law matters, including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and more. They understand the unique circumstances that each parent faces, whether dealing with child support end dates, court ordered child support, or ongoing support obligations. We can help a child support obligation get paid, educate on circumstances that would call for withholding for child support, and offer many other legal support services.

With comprehensive services tailored to Texas residents, Bolton Law ensures that you pay child support per state laws.

Contact Bolton Law today to schedule your initial consultation.

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